One Sustainable Iowa

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Toward a sustainable future and beyond

Keynote Speaker: Benjamin Jealous

Benjamin Jealous is the former president and CEO of the NAACP; Jealous served as the youngest president in its history. During Jealous’ tenure, the NAACP became the largest door-to-door voter registration operation nationwide. After a half decade as a partner at Kapor Capital, Jealous was the president of People for the American Way ( – a 40-year-old multi-racial coalition focused on advancing justice, equality, democracy and opportunity in the United States. Currently, Jealous serves as the Executive Director of the Sierra Club, a grassroots environmental organization with advocates and volunteers across the country. Jealous is the co-author of the essay collection Reach: 40 Black Men Speak on Living, Leading, and Succeeding (2015). His second book, Never Forget Our People Were Always Free: A Parable of American Healing was published in 2023.

2021 Earth Month Symposium

Thank you to the many students, faculty, and staff from colleges and universities across Iowa who hosted virtual networking and skill building events to tackle sustainability issues on campus and beyond.